Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

The Boys Interview, Old Fashion No. 1 (日本語版は下へスクロールして)

This is my first interview ever and out of all bands it had to be one of my all time favorites! So I was quite nervous and it didn't go very smoothly... should still be ok to read though.

Interview Matt Dangerfield, Casino Steel, Martin H-Son

OF: How’s Japan?

Boys: It’s great

OF: You have been here before, so do you find it any different now? Has anything changed?

Boys: Yeah, it’s always changing. We came first 13 years ago and first of all it’s become a lot more expensive. Not necessarily when you come from London, which is also very expensive but when you come from Norway, where he lives (the drummer).

OF: How do you like the audience?

Boys: Their great.

OF: Have you seen any local bands yet?

Boys: We’re gonna see two tonight and we saw one during soundcheck, which was pretty good (Vibrate Two Fingers). And we know Thee Michelle Gun Elephant because they covered a few of our songs. They had a hit with one of our songs as well. That is why we came to Japan the first time in 98 or 99. 

OF: They were huge here

Boys: Yeah, we were selling lots of records in Japan because of them. Good band. They played in London as well.

OF: Which songs did they cover?

Boys: They did “Sick on You” and “Soda Pressing”

OF: How is the Punk scene in London right now. Is there still any?

Boys: Yeah, of course there is. Not that I really know about it but there’s a Punk scene everywhere and it’s bigger now than it ever was. However, we don’t play in England that often, mostly big festivals like The Rebellion.
Punk is big everywhere. We play all over the world and there is always crowds.

OF: Are there any recommendations or bands you especially dislike in England right now?

Boys: Oh, we dislike most of the bands. Not a Punk band, but Jim Jones Revue is very good. We also recommend TV Smith and the Japanese Adverts.

OF: Let’s talk about the riots in London. What do you think of them and do you know anyone who was affected or involved.

Boys: It’s disgusting. It doesn’t have anything to do with Punk or anything. It’s just a bunch of hooligans. Just some idiots who have taken advantage of the fact that the police didn’t react quick enough. That’s the difference between Europe and Japan: if you look at the vending machines in the streets here – if you put them up in Europe, they’d be smashed up in no time.

OF: Do you have plans for a new album? Can we expect anything soon?

Boys: Not a whole album. What we do is just a few tracks at a time, like EPs. No one buys CDs anymore anyway, they all download.

OF: Is anyone of you involved in some other projects?

Martin H-Son: Yeah, I’m in a Norwegian band called the Backstreet Girls.

Casino Steel: And Honest John Plain will have a Solo Album out in April and I will have one out in February or March.

OF: What did Punk mean to you back then and what has changed over the years?

Boys: In those days it was a big change because everyone liked Yes or Genesis and that sort of stuff, which we hated. So it changed everything. 

It was the first time in music history that the bands had the upper hand in the music business. When it started in the UK it was very few people, maybe twenty and they all were playing in probably about 4 bands. You had a situation where the 100Club or the Roxy were basically letting Punk bands play and the record industry guys coming in saying “hey, we wanna sign you”. Everyone was desperate to get a Punk band because suddenly all the other music scene seemed old fashioned.
And it changed very, very fast. Every week was different, so it was very exciting. You know, Punk was making headlines in the newspapers like “Filth”, “Horror”, “Youth gone Mad”, “lock up your daughters”. It was panic, because nobody understood it. Even musicians didn’t understand it. You know, Led Zeppelin came down to the Roxy to check it out and we were playing that night. John Bonham came on stage and said “can I sit in with you guys” and we told him to fuck off. We didn’t realize it was John Bonham though…
So you even had many bands being afraid of Punk as the new big thing, you had radio DJs who refused to play Punk, saying it was shit and you had politicians wanting to ban it. Now it’s just a genre.

OF: You were bigger than most of the other bands at some point, weren’t you?

Boys: Yes, probably. There weren’t many bands in the beginning. It was the Sex Pistols, The Damned and then there was Generation X getting it together, Clash were getting it together. Chelsea maybe. Most of the bands came later, like Slaughter and the Dogs. And we were one of the first to get an album deal. Before us the Pistols had just been dropped by EMI and we only signed to them because it was a good live agency. Up to that point we had only done a few gigs and all the clubs had told us “you’ll never play here again, get out”. But then things turned so quickly. I remember we had played a place called Dingwalls where the DJ called us “the worst thing he ever saw on stage” and a few months later we were headlining there and the same guy goes “and it’s the welcome return of the boys”.
We had XTC and the Police opening up for us at a gig in Amsterdam once.

OF: The Police? I was always wondering, whether the Police were accepted by the Punks and involved in the whole thing…

Boys: None of the Punks liked the Police. I did like XTC that night. They were so quirky. Again, not Punk but real good. 

OF: Did you tour in the States back then?

Boys: we didn’t do a tour. We played New York in 1980.

OF: Back then Power Pop was big in America and you also had those catchy tunes, so did you get a piece of that cake?

Boys: we had catchy tunes from the start. We were trying to make Pop song tunes for Punk songs because we thought we could get airplay that way. But the States were about three years behind. The Dolls and Velvet Underground were more famous than they were in America. That’s why Johnny Thunders and everybody came up to London because there was something happening. The same happened in Rock and Roll times when Buddy Holly was bigger in the UK than he was in America

OF: That’s basically it. Last question: where are the nicest girls on tour:

Boys (immediately): Japan


The BOYS インタビュー Interview Matt Dangerfield, Casino Steel, Martin H-Son

―(Old Fashion)日本はどうですか?







俺たちは今夜2つのバンドを見るし、Vibrate Two Fingersはリハのときに見た。かなりよかったね。そして俺たちはThee Michelle Gun Elephantを知ってる。彼らは俺たちの曲をいくつかカバーしたから。彼らは俺たちの歌の1つでヒットしたんだ。だから俺たちが日本に最初に来たのは98年か99年だったよ。




彼らは“Sick on You””Soda Pressing” をカバーしたよ。


うん、もちろんあるよ。あんまりよくわからないけど、パンクシーンは世界中どこでもあるし、今は前よりも大きくなっているんじゃないかな。俺たちはイングランドではあまりプレイしないんだけど、だいたいThe Rebellionみたいな大きなフェスティバルで演奏してるんだ。パンクはどこにでもある大きなシーンだ。俺たちは世界中でプレイするし、いつもお客さんが来てるよ。


ああ、俺たちはだいたいのバンドが嫌いだけど(笑)。パンクバンドじゃないけど、Jim Jones Revueはすごくいいよ。あと俺たちはTV Smith and the Japanese Advertsもおススメするね。




Martin H-Son うん、俺はノルウェイのthe Backstreet Girlsってバンドでやってるよ。

Casino Steel それとHonest John Plain4月にソロアルバムを出す予定だし、俺も2月か3月に出す予定だよ。


最近は大きな変化があった。だって誰もがYes とかGenesis とか俺たちが大っきらいなそういう感じの音楽が好きだからね。




そしてそれはものすごく早く変わった。毎週違う状況で、エキサイティングだったよ。パンクが「Filth」や「Horror」「Youth gone Mad」「lock up your daughters}の見出しで新聞の一面を飾ったの知ってるだろ?


わかるだろ?レッドツェッペリンがあのROXYに見に来て、俺たちはその晩、プレイしたんだぜ。John Bonhamはステージにやってきて「君たちの隣に座ってもいいかい?」って言ったんだけど、俺たちは彼に「Fuck off!」って言っちゃったんだ(笑)。それがJohn Bonhamだって、俺たち気づかなかったからさ・・・



うん、たぶんね。最初はたくさんのバンドがいたんだけど。the Sex Pistols, The Damnedそして Generation X も一緒にやったよ。Clash もだ。たぶんチェルシーで。だいたいのバンドは俺たちより後だね。 Slaughter the Dogs、そして俺たちはアルバムを出した最初のバンドのひとつなんだ。俺たちより前にthe PistolsがちょうどEMIからデビューして、俺たちはただサインしただけだった。だって彼らはいいライブエージェントだったからね。その時点では俺たち2,3回ライブしただけだったんだけど、全部のクラブが俺たちに「お前たちは二度とここでライブするな!出て行け!」」って言われてたからね(笑)。でもその後、状況はすごく早く変わったんだ。俺が覚えてるのは、俺たちがDingwallsっていう場所でプレイしたとき、DJが俺たちのこと「ステージでみた最悪なバンド」って言ったんだよ。でもそのあと2,3ヶ月で俺たちはそこのヘッドライナーになって、同じ奴が「そしてthe BOYS 戻ってきてくれてありがとう!」だってさ(笑)。俺たちはXTCを持ってて、アムステルダムのライブでおまわりが目の前に現れたことがあったよ。





ー当時アメリカでパワーポップが人気で、the BOYSも同じくキャッチーなメロディだから、なにかヒントを得たりしましたか?●

俺たちは最初からキャッチーなメロディだったよ。●ラジオで流れるだろうと思って、パンクでポップな歌を作ろうとしたんだ。でもアメリカはだいたい3年遅れてた。The Dolls とかVelvet Undergroundは彼らがアメリカにいたときもっと有名だったよ。だからJohnny Thundersとかみんなロンドンに来てたんだ。●

ロックンロールの中で同じことが起こったとき、Buddy Hollyがアメリカにいたときよりもイギリスで有名だったからね。

ーこれでだいたい終わりですが、最後に質問です。The BOYS がツアーした国の中で、どこの女の子が一番かわいかったですか?



Matt (写真をみながら)わかんないなぁ・・でもたぶん俺はみんな好きだ!(笑)



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