Guten Tag!
My name is Chris, I’m from Germany and I would
like to use the space here to introduce some bands from my Fatherland.
Sadly, whenever I talk to Japanese about
German Punkrock, the only bands known over here seem to be Wizo and Gigantor, which
both… how do I put it… suck. Ah, that might be a little harsh... but there are so much better bands out there.
There are exceptions of course - I also had people
mention bands like PVC or Big Balls and the Great White Idiot,
both classic 77 Punk. But
I guess no one knows bands like that in Japan, except real music nerds.
I know myself how hard it is to find out about what’s going on on the other side of the globe – but then again I also know how great it is to discover a whole new scene with dozens, maybe hundreds of bands you have never heard about before.
The first Japanese bands I came in contact with were only the ones that had a record out abroad like Cobra, The Star Club or Garage bands like Teengenerate or later Guitar Wolf. It was not before I came here that I found out about bands like The Stalin or Inu, although they are among the biggest names in Japanese Punk.
So from now on I will either introduce
single bands or scenes from different German cities/areas or maybe even write a
little guide to German Punkrock eventually. However, the first band I would
like to present are not necessarily well-known back home and don’t even fit the
classic Punkrock cliché but their unique sound makes them stand out and they definitely
deserve some more attention: Munich’s Garden
Growing up in the 80s, I listened to my
fair share of crappy music before discovering Punkrock. However, I was also a
big fan of Bowie and bands like Big Country or the Alarm and I never lost that
love for melodic 80s pop and wave (although I tried to deny it for some time - it
was kind of hard for a 16 year old Punkrocker with a GBH shirt to admit he
liked the Psychadelic Furs…).
Therefore the Garden Gang blew me
away. Like no other German band they
combine the power of classic Punkrock and the catchiness and melancholia of
some of the better Wave bands, like e.g. The
Church or Fischer Z. “A high
energy glam punk rock feast” in their own words. And despite their entire feel
for melodies and love for pianos, they still manage to sound way more pissed
off than any crust punk band out there. Partly thanks to singer PamP’s voice, some
Biafra with a hint of Johnny Rotten, but mostly because of their satirical, sometimes
cynical lyrics.
Another reason I picked them for this issue
of Old Fashion is their connection
to TV Smith and The Boys, both featured here too. Garden Gang singer PamP has been
good friends with TV Smith since the early 90s, when he had organized TV’s
first solo Tour in Germany. They have been playing and touring together ever
since and PamP will also play a few acoustic gigs together with Honest John Plain from The Boys in
Germany in December.
The Garden Gang have played more than 500
club gigs and festivals in Germany, England, Spain, Slovakia, Austria and
Switzerland, together with The Vibrators, The Lurkers, The Damned, Attila The
Stockbroker, as well as regular touring partner TV Smith, who also contributes
backing vocals to the current albums.
I hope I got you at least one or two of you
interested, so go get their new album “Backstair Revolution” or the former “Shoppers
United”, which got me hooked.
俺が日本人とドイツのパンクロックについて話すとき、WizoとかGigantorのことしか知られてないのは残念だね。でもなんていうか・・・それはどっちもsuckだな(笑)。でももちろんPVCとかBig Balls and the Great White
しさもわかる。たぶん今までみんなが聞いたこともないバンドが山ほどいるはずだ。俺が最初に知った日本のバンドは、海外でレコードを出していたCobraやThe Star Club、Teengenerate
とか 後期のGuitar Wolfとかのガレージバンドだけだった。The Stalin や Inuも日本のパンクシーンの中ではビッグネームなのに、俺は日本に来る前に知らなかったんだ。
それがMunich’s Garden Gangだ。
俺は80年代に育ったから、パンクロックに出会う前に聞いてたのは、当然くだらない音楽だったよ(笑)。でも俺は、デビッドボウイやBig Country、the Alarmとかのバンドは大好きで、そして80年代のメロディアスなポップやウェイブへの愛はずっと失くしてない。(でも時々は拒否しようと頑張ったんだけど…GBHのシャツを着た16歳のパンクスがthe Psychedelic Furs が好きだって言うのは恥ずかしいからね!)
Garden Gang はそんな俺をふっ飛ばしてくれた。クラシックパンクロックのパワーと、e.g. The
Church とか Fischer Zみたいなウェイブのバンドよりもっとキャッチーでメランコリックな感じを一緒にしたドイツのバンドは他にいなかったからね。“A high energy glam punk rock feast(ハイエナジーなグラムパンクロックの饗宴)”は彼ら自身の言葉だ。そして
Fashionの記事で取り上げたもうひとつの理由は、今回ここで特集されるTV SmithとThe Boysと彼らの関係からなんだ。Garden GangのヴォーカルPamPは、TV Smithのドイツでの最初のソロツアーを企画した90年代初頭からずっと、TV
Smithの仲のいい友達なんだ。彼らはそれ以来、一緒にツアーしたり演奏したりしているし、PamPはThe BoysのHonest John Plainとも一緒に、12月にドイツでいくつかアコースティックのライブをする予定だよ。
The Garden Gangはドイツやイングランド、スペイン、スロヴァキア、オーストリア、そしてスイスの500カ所以上のライブやフェスティバルで、The VibratorsやThe Lurkers, The Damned, Attila The
Stockbrokerとも一緒にプレイしているし、いつものツアーパートナーであるTV Smithは、The Garden Gangの今のアルバムにバックコーラスで参加もしているよ。
“Backstair Revolution”
か、俺のお気に入りのその前のアルバム “Shoppers
Link リンク
- 1993: Green Harbour LP
- 1994: Moneytalks Single
- 1995: Megalomania LP
- 1996: Jacques Psychosis Single
- 1997: Nation Of The Diver Ducks LP
- 2000: Inferior Single
- 2003: Follow The Trend LP
- 2006: Shoppers United LP
- 2009: The Master Plan Single
- 2011: Backstair Revolution LP
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