The original interview session was a lot longer than this but I had to filter out all the picking on the interviewer...
OF: You have been here quite often, haven't you?
The first time we came here was in 91, then
93, 95 and 2004. This is the fifth time.
OF: So, what has changed over the years?
Well, we’ve got a bit fatter and older…
OF: Seriously, compared to most English
bands I interviewed, you’re still in pretty good shape!
(Laughing) Yeah, they’re on a different
OF: That’s a good thing about living in
Japan actually – you don’t get fat easily.
Yeah, we’re only two days here you should
have seen us two days ago!
OF: But how has the scene changed? In 80s
Germany, Psychobilly was a pretty closed community and now all kinds of people
go to the shows. Is it the same in Japan?
Yeah. I think that goes for all the scenes.
It’s more open now.
Dr: And I think what you mean is that it’s
more accessible for Punkrockers for example..
OF: Yeah. When I went to my first Psychobilly
show I was pretty scared actually, haha.
Dr. Yeah, me too, haha
Today the crowd is more mixed. I think also
because dance culture got so big that all the alternative cultures cling to
each other.
G: Also the music is more crossover. It
used to be Rockabilly with a little Punk influence. Now it’s much more Heavy
Metal, Garage and Punk influences. That also attracts different kinds of
Dr: He’s a wise man…
OF: How’s your connection to the Japanese
scene – any bands you like?
Dr: Yesterday there was a good band opening
– The Cracks. They were really nice. Spike is a really good band. We’ve played
with them in Europe as well.
G: We used to play with Robin here. Good
Dr: The Tokyo Skunks were good.
OF: What does “Nie fokke mee Brabant” (on bassist’s
shirt) mean?
その(ベーシストが着ている)“Nie fokke mee Brabant”のシャツの意味は?
Bass: “Don’t fuck with Brabant” where we’re
OF: I thought you’re from Rotterdam?
Dr: I am. Those two are from Brabant.
OF: Before the interview I talked to a
friend of mine about you – she’s been in the Psychobilly scene for quite a
while and she had some stories to tell about a show you did in Nuertingen/near
Reutlingen. You remember the place?
Dr: Yeah, Bavaria isn’t it?
OF: Oh! Don’t say that! Nie fokke mee
あ!ババリアって言わないでくださいよ。Nie folle mee
Baden-Wuerttemberg!(バーデン ヴュッテンブルグを馬鹿にするな!(笑)
Dr: Haha! But it’s in the South anyway.
G: We also know which show you’re talking
about – the bucket story!
OF: Exactly
Dr: Everything she said is true, haha! It
was Gerome – he was really sick
G: It was terrible – every two seconds I
had to run backstage and take a shit.
OF: Oh, so it was actually an emergency – I
thought you were just wasted…
G: No, no it was really bad. Well, it was
worse for the bucket…
OF: She also said something about nailing
Pizza slices against the wall…
Dr: That I don’t remember but it sounds
like us…
G: Back then we toured the South of
Germany, played 10 gigs in lots of small places and I was getting sicker every
day and eventually the roadie took over for me. (11 Min)
OF: In the 90s you disappeared for two
years what was that all about?
Dr. In the 2000s. That was mainly my
problem – I had the feeling that it was becoming too much of a routine.
G: He also started to work as a video
editor and realized that his hearing wasn’t becoming better by playing with the
Dr: but we were friends from the beginning and we never
had a problem with each other and there were still requests, so after two years
we got together again and decided only to pick out the good gigs and that’s
what we’ve been doing ever since 2002.
OF: About the psychobilly scene again: why do you think
was the perception of that scene so bad from the outside? There were always too
many narrow-minded, conservative, even racist guys it seemed…
Dr: The perception was bad but if you knew the guys it
was totally different. If a group of psychobillies walked down the street, you
would go around them because it looked scary but when you met the guys they
were normal people with interesting jobs, often people who were fed up with the
punk scene at the time because it had become too fucked up.
G: Also, you have to get a unity first, put up your
fences and then open for new influences…
Dt: You’re so wise today…normally only a lot
of crap comes out of his mouth, haha.
Anyway, it wasn’t bad for us because we
soon were accepted as one of the bands who founded the psychobilly scene and we
had guys tall as buildings coming up to us asking for autographs, haha.
OF: You just said that you were one of the
bands who invented the whole psychobilly thing but you kind of stood on your
own in Holland, didn’t you?
今まさにあなたたちがサイコビリーシーンを開拓したバンドの1つだって言われましたが、オランダではBat Mobileだけ特別ではなかったですか?
Dr: No, at the time there were many bands
in Holland but we were the first and the biggest. Probably on the European
mainland, outside UK. But there were many bands that came soon after.
OF: You were often the only band not from
the UK on the “Klub Foot” samplers…
あなたたちはイギリス以外の出身で”Klub Foot(ロンドンのサイコビリーのライブハウス)“のサンプラーに出た唯一のバンドですよね。
Dr: Yeah, and that was very good for our
promotion back home because people thought we were huge in the UK, which we
weren’t, and it gave us airplay on radio and TV stations
OF: What about nowadays? Any good bands in Holland?
Dr: “Peter Pan Speedrock” are a great band. “Dear Gringo”
“ピーターパン スピードロック(Peter Pan Speedrock)”はいいね。そして”ディア グリンゴ(Dear Gringo)“も。
G: and “Bang Bang Bazooka”. They’ve been around for 25
years already.
それから“バン バン バズーカ(Bang Bang Bazooka)”も。彼らはもう25年ぐらいやってるよ。
OF: What about the Dead Kings? Are they still alive?
“ザ デッド キングス(the Dead
Dr: I’m not sure. I was only asked by Koefte (Mad Sin) to
come and play for the first album. I think Koefte is now doing another project –
“Koefte Deville and the Deviators”. It was quite difficult to get together
those psychobilly allstars from different countries for this project and do
gigs and practice.
I think they did a second album… I wasn’t asked for that.
However it was really nice to do something like that.
わからないな。俺はマッド シン(Mad Sin)のケフテ(Koefte)から頼まれてファーストアルバムで一緒にやっただけなんだ。ケフテは今別のプロジェクトをやってると思うよ。”ケフテ デビル アンド ザ ディヴィエーターズ(Koefte Deville and
the Deviators)”だ。
OF: Anyone else involved in some other projects?
B: I play in Bang, Bang, Bazooka and Dear Gringo and two
other bands
Dr: I also play in the Apemen, a Surf band.
OF: Did you ever think about adding an additional
instrument or hiring someone else?
Dr: Yes, everyday, haha. They just don’t want to leave
and keep following me, haha!
We’ve actually done a few recordings with an organ.
G: I think it’s a great addition on recordings but to add
a keyboard player live we would have to split the money into four and that’s a
very bad idea, haha.
Dr: Also Eddy, our sound engineer has been with us since
our second gig and if someone else would be travelling with us it would be
hard. An extra band member wouldn’t work.
OF: You also switch to an electric bass
sometimes – is a slap bass to limited?
B: Sometimes an electric bass fits the
sound better and sometimes we also use two basses on a song in the studio. But
on stage an electric bass didn’t work. I couldn’t get my energy out.
OF: Since you’re from Rotterdam – what’s
your opinion on Gabber?
Dr: Gabber? I hate the music, I like the
style. It’s very psychobilly.
OF: Best record ever:
Dr: The Ramones live 76 London
B: Ace of Spades, Motorhead
G: Elvis, That’s the way it is
OF: A message to your fans here
G: Listen to Elvis, That’s the way it is
Dr: Listen to the Ramones live London 76
B: Or any Batmobile albums
G: We were talking about what happened here
a year ago and it’s good to see that Japan is building up again so we are
really honored to be here. It’s really great.
OF: Alright, Thank you very much!
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