La Musique
Hello everyone from
the Hinterland between the Allgäu and the Schwäbische Alb. Castles, picturesque villages, cows and sheep…
that’s where I ended up!
I have been
here for work for about a month now and while it is nice to enjoy nature, the
Punkrock factor is around zero. Though I have to say that I saw a guy with a
Mohawk walking to the station the other day, so I guess I would have to raise
it to about 7.6%.
One thing I really
enjoy over here are German Thermalbäder (Onsen). Unlike in Japan, nobody gives a shit about
tattoos. And if you go into the sauna area everyone is naked. I mean really naked
– ladies and gentlemen. You can swing your ding and it’s totally ok. My wife
calls it Hentai-country…
I also enjoy German
food again. And no, it’s not only sausages and beer. We have Spaetzle,
Maultaschen, Leberkaese, Fleischkuechle, Kartoffelsalat, Flaedlesuppe,
Gaisburger Marsch, and lots more. Each
of which easily kicks Natto’s ass!
Anyway, I am not
here to start a food battle between Japan and Germany (also because I sadly
have to admit that Japan would win...) but to talk about good German bands.
Today I would like
to introduce the one and only Chanson-Punk band in Germany: The Lolitas. And,
since they are no more, also the band that rose from their ashes: Stereo Total.
今日はドイツで唯一のシャンソンパンク・バンドを紹介するよ。The Lolitas(ザ・ロリータス)と、そのバンドが解散した後、ロリータスのメンバーでやったStereo Total(ステレオ・トータル)もね。
But let’s start
with the Lolitas. Formed in the mid 80s in Berlin, they did something that was
quite unique in Germany: mixing French Chansons with Punkrock . The band was
founded by French expat Francoise Cactus and members were Olga, Tutti
Frutti, Coco und Tex Morton. Apart
from Cactus, most notably would be Tex Morton who has been in numerous bands
since the 80s (among others Rockabilly band "Sunny Domestosz" and absolutely fantastic
and underrated "Lüde und die Astros") and is currently playing for Mad Sin.
でもまずはロリータスからはじめよう。80年代半ばにベルリンで結成されて、ドイツではかなり珍しいことをやってた。フランスのシャンソンとパンクのミックスだ。そのバンドのメンバーは、ドイツに住んでたフランス人、Francoise Cactus(フランソワーズ・カクトゥス)、Olga(オルガ)Tutti Frutti(トゥッティー・フルッティー)、Coco(ココ)とTex Morton(テックス・モートン)だった。カクトゥス以外のメンバーは80年代から数え切れないほどたくさんのバンドをやっていて、特にテックス・モートンはロカビリーバンドのSunny Domestosz(サニー・ドメストスズ)、(絶対すごいのに過小評価されていた)Lüde und die Astros(ルーデ・ウンド・ディー・アストロズ)をやって、最近はMad Sin(マッド・シン)でプレイしてるよ。
Most striking about
their sound was Cactuses French-accented English. You can never tell when it is
real and when she's faking it. She is however well aware of it and therefore one
of their records is called “My English sucks”, on which they only do cover
versions (e.g. Dead Boys and Misfits).
彼らのサウンドで一番印象的なのは、カクトゥスのフランス訛りの英語だ。それを聞いてもきっとそれがわざとなのか、本気でやってるのか絶対わからないだろう。彼女はそれをよくわかっていたから、彼らのレコードの1つは”My English sucks”というタイトルで、それにはカバーバージョン(例えば Dead Boys とか Misfits)だけが入っている。
The Lolitas always
kept it simple and that love for minimalism continued in Francoise Catuses next
band Stereo Total. I believe that they should be known to one or two Japanese
too: they have acquired quite some fame over the 20 years they have been
playing and they have always had a thing for Japan. Not only have they toured
and released some of their records there (on Appareil Photo) but they
also composed the soundtrack for Japanese Pink movie “Underwater love”. They also did a cover version of Plastics’
“I love you, oh no!”. However, they renamed it “I love you Ono”…
ロリータスはいつもシンプルでミニマリズムを愛していて、フランソワーズ・カクトゥスの次のバンド、ステレオ・トータルにもそれは引き継がれた。彼らは日本でも知ってる人がいるはずだと思う。彼らは20年以上やってかなり人気になり、いつもなにかしら日本に関係していた。彼らは日本でツアーしただけでなく、 アパレルフォト(Appareil Photo)というレーベルから何枚かレコードも発売した。でも彼らはまた日本のピンク映画 ”アンダーウォーター・ラブ(Underwater
love)”のサウンドトラックも担当した。彼らはプラスティックスの’ “I love you, oh no!”をカバーした。曲名は’ “I love
you, Ono”に変えていたけど…
While the Lolitas
were basically a Punkrock band, Stereo Total has a much wider musical range.
They describe themselves as:
40 % Chanson, 20 % R'n'R, 10 % Punkrock,
3 % DAF-Sequenzer, 4 % Jacques Dutronc-Rhythmique, 7 % Brigitte
Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg, 1,5 % Cosmonaute, 10 % really old
synthesizers, 10 % 8-bit Amiga-sampling, 10 % transistor amplifier,
1 % really expensive and advanced instruments
Basically, they are
very minimalistic, also owed to the fact that it’s only two people: Francoise
Cactus and Brezel Göring.
ステレオ・トータルはとてもミニマリスティックで、実際にメンバーもフランソワーズ・カクトゥスとBrezel Göring(ブレッツェル・グューリング)の2人だけだった。
The one main thing
the Lolitas and Stereo Total have in common is that they don’t take themselves
seriously and that makes them so charming. So whether you want simple pure
Punkrock with female vocals in French-accented English or you prefer the
easy-listening genre mix of Stereo Total, they both deserve to be heard.
The Lolitas
released their records primarily in Germany and France, so I don’t know if they
are easy to come across in Japan.
Stereo Total
records shouldn’t be too hard to find. But if you go for Punkrock, you will be
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