Donnerstag, 4. April 2013

Column no. 3 - Punk in Germany, Vol.2, Old Fashion No. 4 May 2012 (日本語版は下へスクロールして)

The second part of my little Punk in Germany history. This time focusing on the leather and spikes department and the early 80s:

Grüß Gott everyone! 

A lot has happened since my last column – I became a Japanese salary man and am constantly away on seminars. However, between all the bowing, the “よろしくお願いします” and “失礼します” I still found some time to write this column. And it feels good to write about Punkrock… 

Last time I talked about the beginnings of Punk in Germany, today I want to focus on what happened after that first wave.
As in Britain and the States, many of the protagonists of the first wave of Punkrock were rather artistic types and/or freaks, outsiders. In London a lot revolved around art college students, even Sid Vicious, who is mostly perceived as self-destructive and not too bright, studied photography and must have been a somewhat clever guy underneath that entire tough guy attitude. New York’s CBGBs was a hangout spot for everyone considered an outsider: gays, drag queens, cashless artists and people who just couldn’t fit in. Just look at Joey Ramone: who do you think a guy like that hung out with at highschool?
In my eyes, that’s what made and makes Punk great: It was a home to all the freaks and gave them a voice - fuck the darwinistic, capitalist society with all its superficial values! It still makes me smile when I see some crazy guy talking to himself on the train or a gay couple walking hand in hand. Everything that disturbs their view of a functioning harmonic society, I welcome. 

But back too topic: what I wanted to say is that while Punkrock at first was something new and new things always need the daring type to try them out first. Therefore there were so many of the kind I described above. People who were not afraid to wear torn clothes and safety pins in public (as cliché as it may sound – it was after all the most striking accessory) or make music without knowing how to properly use an instrument. But since this kind of people always needs something new to reinvent themselves, it is no wonder that the first wave of Punkrock ebbed away in no time. 

However, the idea of giving a voice to the underprivileged had manifested itself in hundreds of new bands. Not experimental anymore and much more out of a working class background with a new style of clothes and music. Harder, tougher, angrier – not as cynical and clever as before but more straight-forward. In Germany those bands were soon called “Deutschpunk”, which simply translates as “German Punk”. They sang in German, were mostly left-winged, anarchistic lyrically (with exceptions of course) and didn’t care about well thought out lyrics – just say what’s on your mind was the base for writing lyrics. The most popular and influential of those bands was “Slime”, who are in the studio right now recording a new album.
They were formed in 1979 in Hamburg and had their very first gig at a correctional facility for juvenile delinquents! They were greatly influenced by anarchist band “Ton, Steine, Scherben” and were a huge part of Hamburg’s anarchist movement. They became their quasi spokespersons and their shows were often followed by riots and battles with cops. Hamburg’s Hafenstrasse was lawless territory in those days. A whole street of squats and non-commercial hangout places. Slime became synonymous with that place. With lyrics like “Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben koennen” (Germany has to die so we can live) or “Polizei SA/SS” (police SA/SS), their records were censored and everyone who owned one of the originals, where “Bullenschweine” (cop-pigs) wasn’t replaced with a BEEP, was a lucky Punk. Musically they were still very melodic, with lots of singalong choruses and an Oi-Feel to it - the first records sound a lot like the Cockney Rejects.
Apart from Slime Hamburg had tons of good bands. I’ll just drop some names:
Razzia, Abwaerts, SS Ultrabrutal, Razors, Punkenstein, Napalm. Too many to mention them all.

What the Hafenstrasse was for Hamburg, Kreuzberg was for Berlin. The district with a population consisting mainly of immigrants, mostly from Turkey, and lower class families it was home to many squats and legendary Punk clubs, like the SO36. Riots and streetfights were a common thing there in the eighties and till today the First of May is one happy get-together to burn a few cars and throw a few stones at cops. I already talked about Berlin, so I just want to mention Hardcore-Punks “Vorkriegsjugend” again, since they captured that angry Berlin sound like no other band. Other Deutschpunk bands were e.g. “Beton Combo”, “Malinheads”, “Zerstoerte Jugend”.

Another centre for Deutschpunk was Hannover. Commonly known to be pretty boring, it seemed to be a fertile ground for discontent youths forming Punkbands. Most fame gained fun-punk band “Die Abstuerzenden Brieftauben” but the rough Deutschpunk sound is best represented by the “Boskops”. Other bands were “Cretins” and “Blut&Eisen”.

But Punk wasn’t restricted to those areas, of course. Bands you definitely should check out are:
Munich’s “A+P”, “Ausbruch”, Bonn’s “Canal Terror”, Stuttgart’s “Chaos Z”, soccer hooligans “Daily Terror”, “Hass”, “Molotow Soda”, the melancholic “Neurotic Arseholes”, lyrically controversial “OHL”, Duesseldorf squatters “Die Schwarzen Schafe” and apart from Slime the most influential band: “Toxoplasma”.

I guess that’s a lot of bands to check out, so I recommend looking for compilations. There are many samplers out that cover the different cities, e.g. “Alter, das Album” (Berlin Punk), “Paranoia in der Strassenbahn” Hamburg, “Jung kaputt spart Altersheime” (Hannover) and most famous probably 80s Sampler “Die Deutschen kommen” and “Deutschpunk Kampflieder”. So, go do your homework!
This column has become way too long, so I have to split it up again… Next time German New Wave and Hardcore!
And those of who who might wonder why there are no east German bands in here: I also save those up for some other time. Ahhh – so much to do, so little time!

Gruess Gott! 前回はドイツのパンクの始まりについて話したけど、今回はその最初の波が来たあとのことにフォーカスしようと思う。





そのなかで一番人気があって影響力の大きかったバンドが“スライム(Slime)”で彼らは今ちょうど新しいアルバムをレコーディング中だ。彼らは1979年にハンブルグで結成され、一番最初のライブは少年院で行われた。彼らは“トン・シュタイネ・シェルベン(Ton, Steine, Scherben)”というアナーキストバンドの影響を強く受け、ハンブルグのアナーキスト運動の大きな一部となっていた。彼らはアナーキストたちのスポークスマンで、そのライブはだいたい暴動や警察との闘争の後に行われてたんだ。ハンブルグのハーフェンシュトラセ(ハーフェン通り)は当時、無法地帯となっていて、その通り全体が不法占拠された非営利の場所だった。スライムはその場所と同義になっていった。そして“俺たちが生きていくために、ドイツは死ぬべき”とか“警察はSA,SS”といった歌詞で彼らのレコードは発禁になったから、もし“警察の豚”っていう歌詞がピー音になってないオリジナル盤を持ってるパンクスはラッキーだったんだ(笑)。スライム以外でもハンブルグにはいいバンドがたくさんいた。“ラツィア(Razzia)”“アッブベルツ(Ubwaerts)”“SSウルトラブルータル(SS Ultrabrutal)”“レイザーズ(Razors)”“パンケンシュタイン(Punkenstein)”“ナパーム(Napalm)”など。音楽的には彼らはすごくメロディアスでシンガロングコーラスがたくさん入っていてオイみたいで、そのファーストアルバムはだいたい“コックニー・リジェクツ(The Cockney Rejects)“みたいな感じだった。

ハンブルグがハーフェン通りなら、ベルリンはクロイツベルグだった。その地区はだいたいが移民、特にトルコからの移民と下層階級の家族が多くて、不法占拠された家がたくさんあった。伝説的なライブハウスSO36とかね。暴動とストリートファイトは80年代から今日まで日常茶飯事で、51日にはみんな楽しく集まって(笑)警察に石を投げたり、車を焼いたりしていたよ。すでにベルリンについては話したけど、ハードコアパンクの“フォアクリークスユーゲント”はベルリンの怒りを一番よく表したバンドだった。その他のドイチェパンクのバンドは“べトンコンボ(Beton Combo)”“マリンヘッズ(Malinheads)ツェアシュテーテ ユーゲント(Zerstoerte Jugend)“なんかがいた。

ドイチェパンクのもうひとつの中心はハノーヴァーだった。かなり退屈な街で有名だけど、若者たちの不平不満がパンクバンドを生み出す土壌になっていた。最も有名になったファンパンクのバンドは“ディー・アブシュトゥルツェンデン ブリーフタウベン(Die Abstuerzenden Brieftauben)落ちてる伝書鳩”だったけど、荒々しいドイチェパンクらしいバンドは“ボスコップス(Boskops)”だったし、そのほかは“クレティンズ(Cretins)”“ブルート&アイセン(Blut&Eisen)”がいた。

もちろんパンクはその地域限定じゃなかった。そのほかチェックしないといけないバンドは…ミュンヘンの“A+P”“アウスブルーフ(Ausbruch)”、盆の”カナールテロール(Canal Terror)、シュツッツガルトの“カオスZ(Chaos Z)”、サッカーフーリガンの“デイリーテラー(Daily Terror”ハス(Hass)”“モロトフソーダ(Molotow Soda)”メランコリックなニューロティック アースホールス(Neurotic Arseholes)”、その歌詞が議論を巻き起こした”OHL”、デュッセルドルフの不法占拠者たちの”ディー シュヴァルツェン シャーフェ(Die Schwarzen Schafe)“、そしてスライム以外で一番影響力のあったバンドのひとつ”トキソプラズマ(Toxoplasma)”と、ドイツ語では歌っていなかったけど国際的に有名になった“ザ アップライト シチズン(The Upright Citizens)”

チェックしないといけないバンドがいっぱいあるから、俺のおススメのコンピレーションアルバムを教えるよ。いろいろな町のサンプラーというのがあって、例えばベルリンパンクの“アルター ダス アルバム(Alter,das Album)”、ハンブルグの”パラノイア イン デア ストラッセンバーン(Paranoia in der Strassenbahn)”、ハノーヴァーの“ユング カプット シュパート アルタースハイメ(Jung kaput spart Altersheime”、そして一番有名な80年代のサンプラーは”ディー ドイチェン コメン(Die Deutschen kommen)””ドイチェパンク カムプフリーダー(Deutschpunk Kampflieder)“だ。宿題がたくさんだね。

今回もまた長くなっちゃったから、また次回に回そうと思う。次回はジャーマン ニューウェーブとハードコアだよ!それから東ドイツの話が全然出てこないのを不思議だと思ってる人いるだろうけど、また違うときにその話もするよ!じゃあまた!

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